There is far more for Canadians to glean from their holiday shopping trips than another present to tuck under the tree. In fact, if commercial property investors keep an eye out, they&#x27ll find many insights that will fuel their financial success and portfolio performance for the year ahead. Type of Tenants One of the easiest takeaways while shopping this holiday season is to pay attention to which stores, brands, products and services are constantly busy and which are not. This can provide insight as to which type of tenants will make good additions to current retail spaces. Types of Shoppers Observing how people shop and navigate through shopping centres can provide another level of insight. This can indicator how potential commercial property acquisitions will perform and what changes or improvements can be made to retail properties to increase performance. Type of Properties Another area to pay attention to is which shopping centres are bringing in the crowds. Large regional malls will certainly see an increase in traffic, however, local shopping plazas could be equally as busy.   Holiday seasons can be highly profitable and beneficial for investors. The next time you&#x27re out shopping, take a look around and you might find great property investments.

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