The energy sector has taken a downturn recently, resulting in losses for many Canadian investors and n overall economy shakeup. The problem isn&#x27t simply an issue with oil. Hundreds of employees have been laid-off by an Alberta coal mine as alternative sources of energy are driving down energy prices. As well, it also doesn&#x27t help that the media continues to point to millennials as an anti-consumer generation. The debates over why oil prices have fallen so far in such a short amount of time have varied, making it difficult for analysts to predict where the bottom will be and when a bounce-back is expected. As a result, many Canadian investors are scrambling to figure out what they should be doing to mitigate the losses and subpar performance of the energy sector. With the uncertainty, this can be the perfect opportunity to restructure your portfolio. Diversifying your portfolio with investments that offer contrasting characteristics to the energy sector can balance and diminish overall losses.

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