Image Source: Flazingo Photos Canadian philanthropist and real estate entrepreneur Richard Crenian forges new innovative partnership with Baycrest Health Sciences. We are all aging, whether we like it or not. This ticking clock is intertwined with our personal finances, our relationships and quality of life of our families and friends. The world&#x27s top minds, investors and entrepreneurs like Peter Theil consider innovation in the area of aging among the most important missions to be tackled today. Consider that Alzheimer&#x27s alone impacts millions of people in North America each year. It is one of the top 10 causes of death; even outpacing breast and prostate cancer combined. We&#x27re living longer, but still face many challenges in quality of life, brain function and finances, as we age. We all have people that we care about that could be helped by improved technology and healthcare in the area of brain health and aging. Going beyond our personal connections, this is a national issue costing billions of dollars a year. Increased innovation, more efficient care and better understanding of how aging affects us, and can be counteracted will not only help all individuals and their families, but the country as well. Toronto-based Baycrest is recognized as a world leader in senior residential living, healthcare research, education and innovation and as specialists in brain health and aging. Baycrest is one of the longest running healthcare organizations, founded in 1918, and now fully affiliated with the University of Toronto, helping international communities pioneer new solutions and implement best practices in these fields. This is a field that ReDev Properites&#x27 President and CEO, Richard Crenian is extremely passionate about too. As founding partner of Partner in Innovation with Baycrest, Richard aims to increase awareness of the need to support progress in the area of brain health and aging and active engagement in being a part of the solution. Richard Crenian adds this partnership to a long list of supporting causes which includes the Baycrest Alzheimer&#x27s Foundation, Daily Food Bank, Covenant House, Scotiabank ProAm charity event and being a mentor to the Young Entrepreneurs Organization. Brain health and aging impacts us all. It impacts every area of our lives. Being a part of the solution is now easier, with new innovative partnership opportunities. Those interested in helping foster progress in this area, or donating can find out more information about the Baycrest initiative here.

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